Attached Services

District Nurses

The District Nursing Team provides nursing assessments and care for housebound patients with a physical healthcare need. They see patients at home and in residential care settings. The service supports and encourages people with disabilities and long-term conditions to recover their health, cope with health problems and achieve the best possible quality of independent life.

Health Visitors

The health visiting team provide advice and support in a number of areas including:

  • Antenatal groups
  • New birth visits, including advice on feeding, safe sleep, parental emotional wellbeing and child health
  • Maternal and infant feeding contacts at 6-8 weeks
  • Child health and developmental reviews (9 months – 1 year and 2 years – 2.5 years)
  • General parenting support
  • Advice on family health and minor illnesses
  • Specific support on subjects such as postnatal depression
  • Advice on immunisations and national screening programmes
  • Support children and families during the transition to school

They also run a targeted health visiting service for children and families who require extra support. This service assesses each child and family and introduces them into appropriate services, such as speech and language therapy.


A physiotherapy service is provided at the practice by a physiotherapist from St George’s Hospital on a Monday and Friday. If you feel you may benefit from physiotherapy, please make an appointment to discuss your symptoms with your doctor. They can then advise you on how to access the service. You will either be seen at the surgery or at St George’s Hospital if there is a significant waiting list at the surgery.

We also have an in-house First Contact Practitioner (FCP) who is an experienced physiotherapist with advanced skills necessary to assess, diagnose and manage musculoskeletal (MSK) problems such as lower back pain, ankle sprains or frozen shoulder, for example. An FCP service allows patients who would normally present to their GP with an MSK issue, to self-refer to a professional with expertise in that field. You don’t need to see your GP for back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis or general joint pains, you can now see a FCP.


There are several options for psychology therapies including one-to-one therapy, group therapy and guided self-help.

Please make an appointment with a GP to discuss your symptoms and they will advise on how to access the “Psychological Therapies in Primary Care” service.